mafianeindanke is a registered non-profit association in which volunteer activists, supported by European volunteers, work against the penetration of organised crime into our economy and society, thus working for an open, democratic society with fair opportunities for all.
- Promoting and strengthening the anti-mafia movement in Europe
- A Europe-wide harmonisation of laws to improve the fight against organised crime
- Raising awareness of the dangers of the presence of (Italian) mafia groups in Germany
- Offering advice to all interested parties
- Keeping the memory of the victims of mafia crimes alive
mafianeindanke has initiated or contributed to a number of improvements since its inception. These include facilitating the seizure of criminal assets, adapting the paragraph on the formation of criminal organisations to the needs of law enforcement, working on the establishment of an exit programme for those affected by Arab clan crime, and increasing the obligation of notaries in Germany to combat money laundering. Hundreds of events with many thousands of participants as well as intensive media work have promoted the issue of the mafia on a broad level.
- mafianeindanke demands continuous action against mafia organisations in Germany. This action must not be based on the momentary visibility of these organisations, but must be based on concept that protects the people in Germany in a preventive manner. This call is not only directed at the security forces; combating organised crime is a cross-sectional task that concerns everyone.
As a handout to politicians, we have compiled an extensive catalogue of concrete possibilities for improvement, which you can download on the respective page about the brochure of the Legal Affairs Committee (in German). - The power of mafia organisations in their countries of origin lies in intimidation. Outside their traditional territories, capital is their power. For this reason, mafianeindanke is working towards complete transparency in finance. Capital flows must be traceable to their point of origin. Both simple and complicated protective constructions prevent this today. The fight against money laundering must finally be treated as a central component of law enforcement in Germany. The very first step would be to upgrade the central office for combating money laundering, the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). Many other measures must follow to stop the inflow of criminal capital into Germany.
In the area of money laundering, mafia thanks demand a better control of notaries and real estate agents and a follow-up of the entries in the transparency register for cash payments over 10,000 €. - mafianeindanke requests that professorships on Organized Crime are also being created in Germany, analogous to the many examples at Italian universities. Research in Germany must deal much more strongly and decisively with the phenomena of organised crime; we prefer an interdisciplinary approach to this; after all, we see the fight against organised crime as a cross-sectional task, a task that affects all parts of society. This is based on the fundamental conviction that more knowledge about the activities of organised crime and the means and methods used to combat it must be created. A scientific reflection of this approach is indispensable, also in order to obtain reliable indicators of the success or failure of the measures.
- mafianeindanke demands a Federal Prosecutor for Organized Crime analogous to the Federal Prosecutor General for Terrorism. We consider the penetration of our society and economy by Organized Crime groups as equally dangerous to our democracy and freedom. At the same time, it is important to create investigative structures that act with political independence. The Italian anti-Mafia public prosecutor’s office can serve as an example, which, like all public prosecutor’s offices in Italy, is under self-administration. The ideal would therefore be a federal prosecutor’s office for organised crime with subordinate authorities in the Länder, which in its entirety would be expressly exempt from political directives.
- mafianeindanke advocates the establishment of a nationwide exit and dissociation programme in addition to the already existing witness protection programme, which enables those affected to break away from organised crime structures, analogous to such programmes for other clientele such as right-wing extremists.

Sandro Mattioli, Chairman

Helena Raspe, Vice-Chairwoman

Ludovica Bölting, Vice-Chairwoman

Judith Eisinger, Secretary

Giulia Norberti, Treasurer

Laura Garavini, Founder of the Association, now member of the Italian Senate and honorary president of the association.
The entire executive committee works on an voluntary basis.

In Berlin mafianeindanke has not only its legal seat, here the association also has its beginning. Some of the members of the board of directors are active here, together with many young students, professionals and experts in various fields, from money laundering and clan crime to communication and science. In Berlin the association organises a variety of events and the volunteers of mafianeindanke are also active here. The Antimafia Newsletter, the central organ of the association, is also produced here, but with the help of many authors and translators throughout Germany and abroad.

The Bavarian group, which meets in Munich, was the first core group to be formed far from the head office. Numerous activists* with different professional backgrounds come together here: Teachers, pensioners, journalists, students, professionals of different ages. One of the main focuses of the group is media work. But the Munich team also regularly organises events. Like all other groups, Team Bavaria is happy to welcome interested parties.

The core team in Cologne is the youngest at the moment, both in terms of its date of origin and the age of the activists who founded it. This is precisely why it is the most enthusiastic and ready to embark on new activities and initiatives. The young students who continue the Cologne group are ready to welcome new stakeholders, organise events, conduct interviews and launch innovative projects.