Organised crime does not have limits and certainly does not stop at national borders. Criminal activities move between countries and continents, always creating new alliances aimed at criminal profit. This shows how important it is for the anti-mafia movement to organise itself both locally and transnationally through effective networks and collaboration.
mafianeindanke promotes networks of collaborations with many other actors. In Germany, the association collaborates with other associations that share the same values of transparency and active democracy, such as Steuergerechtigkeit, Transparency International, CiFAR – Civil Forum for Asset Recovery, WEED – World Economy, Ecology and Development and others. Moreover, thanks to its Italian roots, mafianeindanke also has excellent contacts in the network of the Italian community in Germany, for example with Dante Alighieri in various locations, with Rete Donne, Italia Altrove and the various branches of the Italian Cultural Institute.
In addition to the network of associations, cooperation with schools and universities is also very important. In particular, the initiative Gelebte Zivilcourage am Beispiel der italienischen Antimafia-Bewegung in Baden-Württemberg, promoted by a group of Italian teachers in high schools, and numerous faculties of Romanistics and Italianistics throughout Germany.
Also very important partners for mafianeindanke are the different institutions of Federal Germany and the Länder: politicians of different political affiliations and with different functions, members of the Public Administration, and policemen working on different levels. If criminal organisations are able to create networks of all kinds, also those who want a fairer society free from criminal powers must be able to activate even stronger networks in order to be successful.
Below is a list of some associations active in the world of anti-mafia:
mafianeindanke is an active part of the pan-European network

CHANCE – Civil Hub Against orgaNised Crime in Europe
CHANCE is the international network of associations and committed citizens
Anti-mafia organisations from different member states of the European Union are linked in this Europe-wide network. Under the leadership of the Italian anti-mafia organisation Libera, NGOs throughout Europe are enabled to make their political interests heard.
In April 2019, CHANCE presented its political agenda to the European Commission and members of the European Parliament in Brussels. The 13 points include proposals on how to achieve a more effective fight against organised crime in Europe: From improvements in the fight against money laundering, protection of witnesses and journalists, seizure of mafia assets and their systematic use by civil society, to a change of strategy on drug trafficking. At the top of the agenda is an equally systemically important demand: a kind of “Permanent Forum” for systematic cooperation between civil society and the authorities.
Regular working meetings create a close link between the member organisations and ensure the exchange of best practices in the different countries.