Until the end of the year 2017 Mafia? Nein, danke! e.V. will be a partner in the European Project: „The Private Corruption Barometer (PCB) – Drafting and piloting a model for a comparative business victimization survey on private corruption in the EU.” Together with the research group eCrime from Trento University, in Italy, the Center for the Study of Democracy of Sofia, in Bulgaria, and the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid, in Spain, our organization will support the creation of an indicator to understand the perception of the level of corruption in small enterprises.
The main goal of the project is to render the phenomenon of corruption in the private sector more transparent and understandable. According to the European Union Anti-Corruption Report from 2014, there is a lack of reliable instruments to measure the corruption scale in the private sector and to compare data on an international level. The project encompasses four European countries: Italy, Germany, Spain and Bulgaria. It is envisaged to establish a benchmark for the other Member States’ countries to be able to perform the research in this domain more efficiently.
Thanks to the project and the insightful research, the Member States will not only gain expertise in this specific area of criminal activities, but also will have more understanding to be more effective to combat corruption in the private sector. The developments and results of the research will be shared through a website, 4 mid-term seminars, lectures to students, final conference in Brussels presenting the results of the research, electronic database with gathered information, research articles, final report etc.
We are very proud that Mafia? Nein, danke! e.V. has been chosen to be the partner of such an important and innovative project on an European scale. We wish all the best to our research team! Stay tuned for further news!