Aktiv gegen organisierte Kriminalität sind weltweit folgende Organisationen:
Name | Webpage | Country | Description |
Addiopizzo | https://www.addiopizzo.org/ | Italy | |
Agende Rosse | https://www.19luglio1992.com/ | Italy | |
Anti Corruption Action Centre , Ukraine | https://antac.org.ua/en/ | Ucraine | anti-corruption |
Articolo 21 | https://www.articolo21.org/ | Italy | Anti-mafia journalism |
Associazione Cosa Vostra | https://www.cosavostra.it/ | Italy | rete e promozione legalità |
Associazione RIME | https://www.facebook.com/pg/assorime/about/?ref=page_internal | Italy | associazione promozione sociale, sensibilizzazione antimafia |
Avviso Pubblico | https://www.avvisopubblico.it/home/ | Italy | |
BankTrack | https://www.banktrack.org | Transparency, illicit financial flows | |
BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network ) | https://birn.eu.com/ | investigative journalism | |
Casa della Legalità | https://www.casadellalegalita.info/ | Italy | |
Casa Memoria Impastato | https://www.casamemoria.it/ | Italy | |
Centro Peppino Impastato | https://www.centroimpastato.com/ | Italy | Centro di documentazione |
Centro Pio La Torre | https://www.piolatorre.it/ | Italy | centro studi e iniziative culturali |
CiFAR Civil Forum for Asset Recovery | www.cifar.eu | ||
CINS | https://www.cins.rs/srpski | investigative journalism | |
Committee to protect jorunalists | https://cpj.org/ | ||
Cooperazione GOEL | https://goel.coop/ | Italy | |
Cortocircuito | https://www.cortocircuito.re.it/ | Italy | associazione antimafia e anti corruzione; inchieste |
Crim’ Halt | https://crimhalt.org/ | ||
DEJURE Foundation (Democracy, Justice, Reforms) | https://www.dejure.foundation | anti-corruption | |
Don Peppe Diana | https://dongiuseppediana.org | Italy | |
Echolot | https://echolot-berlin.de/ | Germany | Cultural project; fight against OK and economic crime |
FACT Coalition | https://thefactcoalition.org/ | Trasparency, financial crimes, money-laundering | |
Financial Transparency Coalition | https://financialtransparency.org/ | Transparency; Illicit financial flows | |
forum legalità | https://www.forumlegalita.it/ | Italy | Network and project to promote legality in the economic world |
Global Financial Integrity | https://gfintegrity.org/ | Transparency; Illicit financial flows | |
Global Initiative Transnational Organized Crime | https://globalinitiative.net/ | Switzerland | |
Global witness | https://www.globalwitness.org/it/ | anti-corruption; money-laundering | |
Gruppo Abele | https://www.gruppoabele.org/ | Italy | |
Il Palcoscenico della Legalità CO2 | https://www.theco2.org | Italy | |
Insight Crime | https://www.insightcrime.org/ | ||
International Drug Policy Consortium | https://www.idpc.net/ | ||
Investigate.cz | https://www.investigate.cz/ | Czech Republic | Investigative journalism |
IRPI | https://irpi.eu/ | ||
KRIK | https://www.krik.rs/ | investigative journalism – antimafia, anti-corruption, mapping | |
La Terra de fuochi | https://www.laterradeifuochi.it/ | Italy | sensibilizzazione, mappatura |
LegaCoop | https://www.legacoop.coop/associazione2/associazione/legacoop-nazionale/chi-siamo/ | Italy | |
Liberofuturo | https://www.liberofuturo.net/ | Italy | rete-antiracket |
Luminate | https://luminategroup.com/ | ||
Mafie sotto casa | https://mafiesottocasa.com/ | Italy | mapping |
noi associazione antimafia | https://www.noiassociazioneantimafia.org/wp/ | Italy | Cultural and social projects |
OCCRP | https://www.occrp.org/en | CZ | |
Ossigeno | https://www.ossigeno.info/ | Italy | |
Progetto Legalità | https://progettolegalita.it/it/ | Italy | progetti scuole-società civile |
Radio Siani | https://www.radiosiani.com/ | Italy | |
RED Alas | https://www.red-alas.net/ | Latin America | Network in Latin America against HR violations, curruption, OK |
Rete 100 passi | https://www.rete100passi.it | Italy | Rete multimediale – antimafia |
Riparte il futuro | https://www.riparteilfuturo.it/ | Italy | anti-corruzione |
Sottoterra Antimafie | https://www.sottoterra.org/ | Italy | scuole, educazione alla legalità |
stopndrangheta.it | https://www.stopndrangheta.it/ | Italy | archivio multimediale |
Transparency Deutschland | https://www.transparency.de/ | Germany | transparency and anti-corruption |
Transparency International | https://www.transparency.org/ | Worldwide | transparency and anti-corruption |
UNCAC Coalition | https://uncaccoalition.org/ | Access to Information; Asset Recovery; Transparency;Protection of Whistleblowers and Anti-Corruption Activists | |
Visiterre | https://visiterre.it/ | Italy | Anti-Mafia Tourism in Naples and Campania |
Valle del Marro | https://www.valledelmarro.it/ | Italy | Cooperativa sociale – Libera Terra |
Volunteers against crime and corruption, Philippines | https://www.vaccofficial.com/ | Philippines | Organised Crime and Corruption |
W-T-W.org | https://www.w-t-w.org/en/ | Germany | Women and Finance, MoneyLaundry |
Whistleblower network Germany | https://www.whistleblower-net.de/ | Germany | Whistleblower |
Whistleblower network Worldwide | https://whistleblowingnetwork.org/ | Worldwide | Whistleblower |
Wikimafia/Mafiamaps | https://www.wikimafia.it | Italy | Transparency |
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